
Why should I study an Access to University Level qualification?

There are so many benefits and reasons why you should study an Access to University Level qualification. One of the best is that it gives you the chance to pursue a new passion or career without having prior experience or education. Read on to find out more!

Why should I study an Access to University Level qualification?

No upper age limit or previous experience

Never studied a formal qualification in your chosen subject before? No problem.

We help you get to grips with the basics before picking up the pace and developing your knowledge to a standard that will help you transition smoothly into university study.

We completely understand that people have different priorities at different stages of their lives. Circumstances change for each and every one of us, and it may be that now is the perfect time for you to follow your university dream.

As long as you’re over the age of 19, we’d love to hear from you!

Accessible entry requirements

Access qualifications are all about making opportunities available to those who are ready to work for them.

For the majority of our qualifications, you will only require a grade C/4 or above in GCSE English Language to get started, although some do have additional requirements as shown on
the course pages.

If you don’t have the exact requirements, our Pre-access qualifications will help support you to gain them. Our Tutors will advise you on this at the interview stage.

Perfect for retraining

Thinking of retraining for a new career but wanting to do it as quickly as possible?

In addition to having accessible entry requirements and requiring no previous experience, access qualifications only take one year to complete!

That means you could be training for your new career at university exactly one year on from starting your new studies.

Our qualifications are in an exciting range of subjects, all linked to career pathways, and include:

    • Business
    • Computing
    • Education (Early Years)
    • Health Science
    • Humanities, English and Social Science
    • Law and Policing
    • Nursing and Midwifery
    • Medicine
    • Paramedic Science
    • Science

It doesn't matter if you've been out of education for a while

The whole point of an access qualification is to ease you back into a classroom environment and prepare you for university. Yes, it will be challenging, but we’ve taken all this into consideration and will support you as you rediscover your academic skills and introduce you to new subjects. We’ll support you to secure a place on a degree.

University recognised qualifications

Each year, approximately 25,000 students achieve an Access to University Level qualification and progress to degree courses across the UK.

Universities have helped to design these qualifications so that they develop the skills you need and feed directly into their entry requirements.

Fantastic financial support

For some students, tuition fees will be fully funded. However, if you are required to pay for the course, a 19+ Advanced Learner Loan will cover your Access to University Level qualification tuition fees.

Graduate from University and your loan could be written off

The best news is that if you progress to and complete an eligible university level course, your 19+ Advanced Learner Loan repayment is written off. This means you’ll only have to pay off your university student loan – which you don’t have to do until you’re earning over £2,274 a month (before tax and other deductions)!

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